Faith Leaders

After a loved one dies, religion and spirituality are among the most sought-after resources for people.

The death of a loved one can shake the very foundation of a person’s world view, often leaving them unsure how to reconcile their beliefs with such tragedy. Many people experience a crisis in faith or are highly resistant to the suggestion that religion or spirituality has anything to offer them. Yet, seventy-two percent of Americans find religion to be an important part of their lives.

Faith leaders with experience serving bereaved individuals suggest the following approaches to avoid further harm and potentially help people find benefits in faith and spiritual connections.

Listen and be present

Listen and be present with their pain and potential crisis of faith. Understand that often you will not provide comfort.

Resist fixing

Resist fixing and delivering what may be received as platitudes. Don’t say, “your loved one is in a better place” or “God only gives you what you can handle” or “your loved one is an angel watching over you.”

Share Evermore’s Grief Support Directory

Share Evermore’s Grief Support Directory and offer to help connect them to resources and people they can use if and when they are ready. Identify other bereaved individuals in the community who want to be there for others.

Acknowledge and affirm the significance of their loss

Honor the life and loss by suggesting ways to remember and memorialize their loved one through keepsakes, storytelling, shrines, advocacy events and other memoirs.

Be there

Enlist the most sensitive, thoughtful members of the community to offer meals, dog walking, errand running, play dates and other ways to be there for a person.

There may be no greater force or opportunity to help shape a person’s ability to cope than faith and its spiritual leadership.